Chapter 9

Ritual Child Murders

A pattern closely related to retraction was observed in connection with the assertions about child murders. Elvira eventually went on to accuse Oswald and Helena of further assaults involving ritual child murder and cannibalism. She also began to accuse other persons than her parents. A not insignificant number of these were identified persons; among them one judge of the same court of appeal that had convicted Oswald and Helena, and the daughter (Annette) of this judge. Annette and her father were neighbours of Oswald and Helena, and Annette had been Elvira's best friend since pre-school age.

Elvira said that she had accompanied her father to Poland, where he had bought children who were to be murdered in Stockholm. Elvira also stated that she herself had contacted young boys in the streets of Stockholm, whom she had lured to follow her to the place of the ritual murders.

And she went on to say that the murder sect kept young girls in cages, made them pregnant, and cut out the foetuses while the girls were still alive. They ate the raw foetuses. Both Elvira and Annette had murdered children.

Elvira pointed out the places in the woods where the bones of the children had allegedly been buried. Seventy policemen, led by four police helicopters, dug through the entire wood. They found nothing.

The police engaged highly competent experts from The Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. They proved that no one had dug in those places since the Ice Age (this is their own formulation).

The police spent an enormous amount of resources in trying to locate both the sex clubs and the places where the murders took occurred. They took Elvira to all known sex clubs in and around Stockholm. She did not recognise any of them. And indeed, her description of the interior of the sex clubs corresponds closely to that of The Deaf Centre in Stockholm. Elvira has visited this house numerous times together with her deaf mother. (In some contexts it will be important, as we shall see, that the Swedish name of "The Deaf Centre" literally means "The House of Deaf People".)

One of the attempts to find the scenes of the crimes started at 22:00 o'clock on 1992-06-27 and ended four hours later. Present in the car were Elvira and Mollbeck [!] together with the police officers PL and BMK. – Another attempt began at 16:00 on 1992-10-01 with the explicit aim of determining whether Elvira recognised the surroundings, houses or addresses at which she had been abused between 1982 and 1991. Participants were Elvira and, once again, Mollbeck [!!], together with the police officers PL and RK, and the prosecutor Nils Lundberg (not a pseudonym).

From 1992-12-03 onwards Elvira also told about strange telephone calls. In some of them no one said a word, and in others she heard children screaming in exactly the same way they scream when they are being ritually murdered.

But when Elvira learned that the police actually examined the places she had indicated in the wood, and that they bugged her telephone, she suddenly stopped pointing out further places and telling further stories about mystical telephone calls.

What if the police had dug through the wood and bugged Elvira's telephone without telling her in advance It would be interesting to know whether she had then continued to point out graves in the wood and to talk about strange telephone calls.

An even more important question is whether Elvira would have ceased to accuse her father and mother of sexual abuse, if the police had examined the truth-value of these accusations. Judges, prosecutors, psychiatrists and psychologists have sometimes said that no one except the two persons involved knows what really happened. But this is a flagrantly false conception, and in due course we shall come to understand why. But we must also remember that Elvira repeatedly retracts her allegations, whenever the police interrogator contradicts her.

The following excerpt is taken from a summary about Elvira's accounts about child murders. It was written by a police officer and dated 1993-05-03:

"During the interrogations which Elvira has been put through, she seems to have a supply of horrible events to come up with, which never runs dry. Since a long time she has ceased to provide any information that can be checked, since she has learned that we have actually checked it. [...]

She shows an evasive attitude during the interrogations when she feels pressed. Then she says that she doesn't remember just now but "it will turn up later". She often wants a break when things become difficult, and if her foster mother Fanny is present she wants to go to her for a hug." (bold and italics by MS)


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Uppdaterad: 2009-11-19
